Advanced Training
Begins March 18 2025

Learn the complete system to rapidly transform any block and materialize your dreams.
Awaken your superhuman potential and magnetic confidence in your full expression!
Become a practitioner in the system Daniel has used to transform founders of the top ten tech companies and thousands of people around the world!
Discover the easy way to navigate the subconscious, discover it’s limitations and recode it just like playing a video game, which realigns what manifests in your external reality.
Would you like to master the divine Laws of Reality which allow you to transform any block, materialize your dreams, free your mind, and live your destiny?
Do you need a simple framework to use whenever you or someone you care for is blocked, triggered or challenged?
Would you like to receive greater access to gifts like your psychic senses, energetic healing abilities, and full expression?
Are you ready for radical life force enhancement to radiate magnetic confidence, unshakeable empowerment, peak energy and live in a state of flow?
Is it time to completely align your relationships, mission, abundance, environment, and all aspects of life?
If you’re ready to learn the ancient secrets of Reality Architecture and harness this Force for your liberation and a more beautiful world… this Mastery Course is for you!

Dreamporting harnesses the power of quantum physics and the ancient universal laws to transform any block & limitation within minutes.
Have you been held in a pattern you haven’t been able to transcend?
Would you like to know how to reveal a hidden subconscious belief and rapidly transform it for yourself or someone else?
If so, then you are going to love Dreamporting Mastery - a revolutionary toolkit that combines core principles of Tibetan Buddhism, Shamanism, Hermetic Magic, Integral Psychology and newly discovered Energy and Breathing techniques that empowers you to facilitate miracles!

BEGINS MARCH 18th 2025
Radically transform your life through a complete Dreamporting Journey while empowering you with advanced techniques:

1. Training: Reality Architecting:
Have you wanted to know the Laws of the Universe, and how to use them in order to transform any issue within, and situation externally? Not only will we learn in practical terms these laws, but start performing magical work such as Energy Transference and Hermetic Magical techniques to start transforming your life and magnetize positive momentum and miracles rapidly.
Result: Experience the benefits of an upward spiraling vibration in your spiritual, emotional, and overall wellness such as peace, motivation, and vitality while aligning with the universe.
2. Ancient Energy Techniques:
Do you wish to know how to use special light rays and sequences to reveal what hides, dissolve what resists, alchemize what doesn't serve, and liberate your consciousness? This week you will be journeying into your inner world and using these weapons of love to disarm old walls of fear and powerfully recode your subconscious. Unlock your psychic senses and harness the Divine Force to dissolve what stands in the way of your power, freedom, and dreams.
Result: As you cast light on your core blind spots, and free yourself from false identities that run much of your life and manifest in external challenges, profound upgrades and shifts in your life will begin to unfold.

3. Stabilize your new Timeline: Have you ever had a transformational or peak experience and then reverted to old ways? It doesn't matter how many plant medicines or healing sessions we have if we can't stabilize our awareness, and hold the higher frequencies of light in our bodies that we wish to operate from and manifest with. In this module you will learn how to undergo a much deeper timeline shift and hold the vibration of greatness in your body that you require to launch into your dreams.
Result: Operate and manifest from your True Self! This higher frequency will magnetize a new chapter of alignment and flow in your life. You will embody your magnificence and radiate your true expression and authenticity as the world instantly reflects this back to you with beautiful gifts!

4. Alchemical Mastery: Master the system to overcome the deepest of blocks, resistance, and triggers in yourself and guide others into this freedom. Discover how to integrate sub personalities, de-armoring protective mechanisms, banishing entities and spells, and troubleshooting any block on yourself and others. Discover different angles to turn even the deepest of challenges and trauma into gold. Learn to hold the enlightened perspective to facilitate miracles and allow spontaneous awakenings and divine-consciousness.
Result: Begin receiving and giving Dreamporting Alchemy sessions and undergo incredible openings in your ability to receive clarity, intuition, and manifestations. With a new depth of transformation comes a strengthened loving awareness and alignment with your destiny.

5. Magic Constellation: Have you ever wished you had clarity and alignment in all areas of life? As many people's favorite technique, you will train to use Divine Magic and intuition to transform situations in life, and align all aspects of your reality (relations, business, ideas, inner and outer realities). Learn ancient techniques using angels, potions, fire, and beeswax to re-align situations for yourself and others to the highest good. Learn to open and automate portals for miracles to flow into your life and in sessions.
Result: Have a tuned and aligned relationship to all things in life and the ability to facilitate Dreamporting Constellation Sessions for others. Be empowered to perform divine petitions to transform important life situations and challenges for yourself and those who ask for your support and watch the magic happen!
6. The Journey Space: Have you ever wanted to take yourself or others into deep trances without the need for psychedelics? Have you wanted to be able to answer your deepest questions or tune into others with precise truth from Divine Intelligence? Learn to tune into someone's rhythm, thought forms, and energy field to guide anyone willing through various breathing, energetic, and magic techniques to instantly provide shifts in one’s reality from breaking out of thought-loops, shifting states, awakening intuition, reconnecting of guides and Spirits, and rapidly ushering one into divine trance and immersive journey-space.
Result: Discover the ego's traps and how to clear your channel to allow through the purest energy and intuitive guidance for yourself and others. Be initiated as a spiritual leader that can support individuals and large groups to be free, empowered, and harmonized!

7. Learn to facilitate the Dreamporting timeline shift experience for individuals and groups, using music, frequencies, potions, incense and magic for individuals and groups, and offer rapid manifestation support and advanced reality creation services to those you wish to serve! Undergo a deeper Timeline Shift in the Activation that you can listen to anytime for life for incredible results.
Result: Have at your disposal a great tool of liberation and teleportation into one’s dream life through the mastery of agreements, vibration, and the art of surrender. An exceptional gift for yourself and others!
8. Integration & Embodiment: Deepen your embodiment and emanate your true light to magnetize greatness. Discover the ways Daniel uses rituals, exercises, and protocols for his clients for incredible results that stick and only grow with time. Integration and holding your True Self in the physical body and expression is key to truly live the life of your dreams and facilitate true transformation for others.
Result: Experience a mystical makeover and learn the secrets to truly guiding others to greatness by empowering them and balancing their energies for ultimate success!

9. BONUS: For those interested and wish to quantum leap their healing, coaching or spiritual business or practice. Receive a masterclass on attracting the greatest clients, moving to great abundance while being of greatest service, offering successful transformational packages, retreats and offerings, and much more! Receive Daniel’s favorite playlists for sessions and group facilitation, and spiritual techniques for alignment of business with the energies of success, integrity, and greatest impact.
Result: Quantum Leap your practice by aligning with integrity and universal codes to magnetize the greatest positive impact and the corresponding abundance to fulfill your highest potential.
If you’re ready to co-create with the universe, radically realign your life, and usher in a more beautiful world …

Email us at info@dreamporting.com for a complimentary Discovery Call with a Dreamporting Team member.
Payment Plans Available

Experience the complete system to transform any block and materialize your dreams !
"Dreamporting was a life changing paradigm shift for me. Dreamporting gave my operating system an upgrade."
-Adi Shankar: Netflix Producer, Creator of Guardians of Justice & Castlevania
Each module includes:

Receive advanced training in high quality video and PDF protocols to master the laws, techniques, and perspectives that awaken and align you with Divine Consciousness.

Undergo new rituals and protocols each week to align all aspects of your life and accelerate your gifts, abundance, and freedom through at-home magic work.

Daniel will answer all your questions, offer 1-on-1 support through any blocks, & guide you through implementing these techniques on yourself and others to ensure success.

Journey through guided meditations to new levels of consciousness with experiential initiations to achieve transformations & unlock your gifts & freedom!

Healing can take forever...
But this is beyond healing
When we focus on what's "wrong" we
forget that this life is a school and the
identity we are trying to fix is an illusion
that only exists in our mind. By transcending
linear-based limitations, we can harness
Divine Consciousness
to instantly let go of scarcity,
doubt, fear, resistance, stories, and beliefs
and free us and our loved ones back
to an awakened reality of limitless
awareness and love. This stops the
cycle of feeding a reality where there
is something to "fix"which perpetuates
healing loops and external challenges...

One of the greatest CEOs told me his secret:
"I learned the Universal Principles and applied them as fast as possible"
A friend and client, who became #1 in his industry told me that by learning and applying the universal laws of reality, one could accomplish anything.
The world isn't what it seems. We live in a quantum field where our perspective shapes our world in powerful ways.
In this advanced training, you will align with how reality works and not "heal" from your ego but allow automated and instant miracles by getting out of the way and allowing the Higher Self to transform and liberate you.
The Laws of Reality and how to use them
Secrets to Energy Transference to build momentum and architect frequencies
Strengthening communication with your angels and allowing them to support your mission
Learn to command energy rays to reveal hidden blocks and transform any challenge
Breathing techniques to release trauma, reset nervous system and quantum leap into the spiritual realm​

Clearing layers of ego to open your channel for instant intuitive precision
Additional Laws of the Universe for advanced transformation and manifestation work
Guiding Others to freedom using Word Magic
How to speak and embed frequencies in your voice
How to hold an enlightened perspective for effortless and instant miracles
Advanced energy techniques to dissolve counter forces to love, manifestation, and freedom​

Are you Ready to:
Learn and embody the Universal Codes of Reality in order to align and manifest your soul’s purpose with ease and grace.

Upgrade your operating system from efforting, victimhood and limitation to a quantum flow state of effortless and superhuman radiance.

Reconnect with your full expression and abundant birthright through ancient purification rites and subconscious recoding technology!

8 limit-shattering, master classes that go in depth into all the universal laws, energy techniques, and perspectives you need to free yourself of your deepest blocks and materialize your soul's dreams!
Complete protocols and rituals for rapid manifestation, alchemizing your blocks and achieving great transformation.
Weekly 90-minute LIVE Q & A calls with Daniel + Dreamporting Master Facilitators who will answer all your questions and address your challenges with laser support.
A 60-day journey to reveal and alchemize your greatest blocks and sub personalities, and transform into your true empowered Self to magnetize a reality that matches your highest vibration!
The full Dreamporting System to use on yourself and others
Unlimited Dreamporting Sessions trades for life while connecting with hundreds of Dreamporting Practitioners!
One beautiful community of like-hearted, like-minded soul tribe to share unlimited sessions with each other and continued training and support in the community for life!
Advanced initiations to unlock your intuitive and magical faculties for transformation and awakening of Self and to facilitate for individuals and groups/events
An opportunity to co-create an explosion of light, love & miracles that will support your joy & integration and contribute to the healing & awakening of human kind
Radically transform your life through a complete Dreamporting Transformation while empowering you with advanced techniques:
BONUSES when you sign up:
Playlists and frequency tracks to use for yourself, clients, and group facilitation
Unlimited Dreamporting Session trades in our community with other certified practitioners (upon completion of certification requirements)
If you’re ready to truly co-create with the universe, radically realign your life, and usher in a more beautiful world...

Daniel Raphael
From living with secret tribes in the jungle, training with a royal mage, learning manifestation from a benevolent billionaire, and being self-initiated from ancient and forgotten manuscripts, Daniel’s 13 year journey around the world to heal from debilitating anxiety, depression, and autistic symptoms led him from a broken child to the advisor to some of the top ten tech founders and an international teacher to over 25,000 students around the world. For the first time, he is sharing his complete system of transformation.
Daniel Raphael is a global meditation teacher and transformational guide that has been initiated into several lineages of ancient mystery schools. His mission is to share how to harness the core principles of reality in a simple and effective way for worldwide liberation and peace. He currently runs retreats and lessons in-person and online and is passionate about volunteering for people in need and veterans with PTSD.
Daniel considers himself an eternal student who is grateful for the countless teachers and teachings on his path. Being born with advanced intuitive abilities which then shut down after a series of traumatic events, Daniel left conventional therapies for a 13-year healing quest around the world to overcome severe mental and emotional challenges and now is dedicated to sharing his discoveries with the world.

“My clients have tripled! I transformed my addiction to alcohol! I’m able to receive visions now after struggling to visualize, being able to shift from a victim to my higher self and that’s been the biggest gift from Dreamporting that I could ever ask for - to not feel like these external situations control me. I had an intense fear of being seen before entering Dreamporting and I’m so much more confident and I’m not afraid of being seen and actually enjoy socializing which I never thought would shift.”
"I literally manifested a new apartment within 3 days! Wha! I have been living with my mom the last few years and am now finally able to move out, but had been having such a tough time finding potential properties because of a past bankruptcy. I was utterly hopeless. But, I literally applied yesterday to an amazing place and they approved me this morning: no follow-up questions, no co-signer necessary.
I am someone who has been terrified of manifesting (even just the word would give me anxiety) because of previous trauma and deep-rooted fears of what could go wrong. Then I saw the testimonials and thought "if all those people can do it, then so can I!"
We are magical."
"I cannot describe how excited I am now. For the first time in my life I truly felt the oneness. I could feel that I am one with everything in this world. I felt that we are all created from one thing. I now know that anything is possible in this world."
"This was amazing ! First time I connected like this...I felt joy, love, I was laughing and smiling, I felt hugs and love and shivers all over my body! When keep breath at some point I did not even need to breathe...I felt just presence...that was most beautiful and magical experience ever so glad I join you here !!! Thank you thank you thank you!"
"I have been dealing with a constant anxious feeling for a real long time now. I have been going through a spiritual awakening but have gotten stuck along the way and I was beginning to feel as though I couldn't escape that feeling, this meditation took the anxious feeling away instantly and I feel so much more relaxed, which is something I hadn't experienced in a long time. I wasn't expecting this much relief and the first stage of the course even though its just a small step, and I cannot wait to continue the rest! I am immensely grateful for you and your teachings Daniel!"
"Thank you thank you and thank you. For months I was in the loop. Constantly healing, to the point I was exhausted. Everyday. I was spending hours healing and perfecting my healing skills for clients. And I would be so excited and by the end of the day I was exhausted. And I kept thinking the more I heal the faster I can elevate! Listening to this was Divine timing. This changed everything! Thank you"
What a stunning indescribable experience this had this been. It really feels like me being firmly anchored in the new reality now. All is well, peace has been restored, the past has been healed and released with grace. Welcome home! Thank you Daniel for showing up for us all so fully and for offering such potent wisdom. I have been a hypnotherapist and energy healer for years now, and I am truly LOVING using this new approach and modality and am beyond excited to incorporate this into my practice. It truly feels like the magic I always knew existed, yet just hadn't discovered yet.
"I was amazed what came up when I kept going deeper! Was truly a magical and freeing experience. Thank you Daniel for creating this course I have made huge shifts already In such a short space of time. Your energy is both energising and calming and I feel like you have created such a safe space for this experience."
"After letting go I really felt myself shift to a higher vibration. I feel full of love. Thank you for this ceremony. Also something special happened today. I followed my intuition as it was telling me to go to a certain field in the forest near by my home. 10min after arriving a couple approached me and we had a nice conversation about self growth and self love etc, they were very spiritual. They told me some things I really needed to hear so I'm very grateful that it led me here. So thank you for teaching me how to really listen to my intuition."
"This program has been so aligned, has been a life changer. I was feeling so trapped in my relationship, to think I was going to settle when I truly did not love my partner deep down. Did I mention I manifested and opportunity to go away to Hawaii for a few months?"
"Thank you for this initiation, I used to be rather skeptical about the whole Angels theme and the work they can help us with, but during the first meditation, there was no doubt, in my personal experience, that I was in energetic communication with another force, that could guide me with emotions and energetic sensations that I could interpret into useful guidings and all day long, i've been in communication with this energy and it has guided my cognition in positive directions, guided me to positive choices and send me useful inspiration as well. - can't wait to see what the next parts might do for me and this connection."
"Prior to starting this program today I have been witnessing sickness in body and mind for nearly 2 weeks after a very intense plant medicine ceremony. This first session immediately raised my frequency and helped me release pain I was having a difficult time letting go of. Grateful to be here."
"This was truly amazing, powerful and profound. I'm so blessed the Universe guided me to discover your work. Thank You!"
"Super profound course! The guided meditations are pristine and helped me develop tools to access the divine on my own terms which is beautiful. Thank you Daniel, you are a gift on this planet!
So much love & gratitude your way."