I’ll show you exactly how to use the universal principles and energy techniques I’ve learned from spiritual masters and even leading Silicon Valley CEOs to transform your life…

Download your superpower - a quality such as courage or intuition that you will embody using an energy techniques from Ancient Egypt in a few weeks.
Remote view the future - save precious time and skip unneeded challenges by using intuitive techniques to make the best choices when the mind is unsure.
Activate your senses - learn a short “stack” of techniques that get you into an enhanced brainwave state to receive clear psychic information to propel your path forward.
Secret Timeline Energy Techniques - Implement techniques that can actually optimize and clear your timeline, shifting events and challenges before they happen while magnetizing incredible opportunities.
Learn and use an incredible new breathing technique that will launch you into the limitless quantum field in minutes and release negativity and stagnation in the process.
How to clear and protect yourself from any person or energy by learning the laws and tools to rapidly raise your vibration.
Use a powerful energy technique - this specific tool aligns and clears everything it contacts and you will learn to evolve it’s use into more advanced ways to rapidly transform situations and instantly clear fear and negativity.
How to alchemize any block - Learn the formula and experience the guided activation to dis-identify and transmute mental, emotional, and energetic blocks, often within minutes. This is invaluable to also share with anyone you wish to support or coach.
Dreamporting Flow Protocol - Learn the daily protocol I use to stay sharp, in-touch with instant psychic information for my clients around the world, and optimize my flow state to accomplish my vision.
Automate your evolution - Learn how to program your dreams to perform all sorts of functions while you sleep including clearing negative relationships, upgrading your subconscious, and attracting new clients and opportunities!
Learn how to craft portals to transform the energy in a room, your life, and in yourself for accelerated results.
Discover the complete protocol to shift timelines and manifest “the impossible” in rapid ways.
And much more...

The Dreamporting Quest is a transformative journey that gives you a magic toolkit of brainwave entraining activations to ensure you can fly above the negativity in this time and shine your light to the world on a whole new level.

Lifetime access to a 4 Phase Process: The Compass, The Pledge, The Portal and the Arrival. The pace of these Advanced Practices is designed to complement your day to day flow across 4 weeks. There are over 10 hours of video trainings, a powerful activation meditations, and a guidebook with daily “Blissiplines” for each phase.
Rapid manifestation protocol class included! ​
FAQ, and incredible bonus lessons and classes
Lifetime support with your questions answered our Dreamporting Community Discord
The program starts immediately and you’ll receive everything to get started when you sign up now.
Video Class: How to Transform any Block Activation
$97 value - INCLUDED
Lifetime Dreamporting Community Membership on Discord
$197 value - INCLUDED
Brainwave Entrainment Frequency Audio Tracks for laser focus, manifestation, and transformation
$47 value - INCLUDED
Rapid Manifestation Bonus Video Class: Learn the full formula
$97 value - INCLUDED
1 Month Free in the Dreamporting Academy with a Massive Video Library of Additional Classes
$144 value - INCLUDED
Discounted from $649 to only $288 with Full Lifetime Access


"Dreamporting was a life changing paradigm shift for me. One paragraph of endorsement cannot fully summarize the plethora of ways in which my life improved from this system so I'll just say this ... if our minds and bodies are computers then Dreamporting gave my operating system an upgrade."
- Adi Shankar
Executive Producer of Netflix series "Castlevania," and many other critically acclaimed Hollywood hits.
“Anyone that ever watched Harry Potter or knows that there’s more that what meets the eye would love this, this is about tapping into the deepness and unlocking the magic that’s all around.”
- Mike Chang
Creator of Six Pack Shortcuts, the #1 most subscribed Youtube channel on Fitness

“I’ve been upgraded … my internal operating system was kicked up 5 or 6 notches.”
- Dream Rockwell
Co-founder of Lightning in a Bottle Festival, Creator of Lucent Dossier
Check out this stunning Before and After video where you can see Nemo’s entire face and energy transform in 30 days:
“I feel so much more present in my body and in my day ready to engage with everything… I got to gain an immaculate, vivid vision of the life I want … on the very last day of our Dreamporting, I landed my first paid coaching client. Dreamporting is a way to accelerate you from where you are, right into the life you want to be living…right now.”
- Nemo
“Two weeks after we started Dreamporting, I was invited to speak with Deepak Chopra…incredible! …And so many other opportunities and clients…with ease, I didn’t have to push I didn’t have to force… I wanted to express the joy that I felt during the process, it was not difficult. Dreamporting is a rapid transformation where you can access your limitless self…I recommend this for anyone who wants to go to the next step, because it will take you there!”
- Marie Mbouni M.D.
Renowned Anesthesiologist and Spiritual Teacher
Check out this Before and After testimonial of Kramer's 30-day transformation: